Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Everyone is different, no one else is me...

I have been working on an idea for either a book, or an article for sometime now, and trying to work out what angle to come from. I didn't want to focus on individuals feeling bullied or aggrieved. I didn't want to pull from only my experiences with our son, and just put my slant on this. No to get this message out there this had to be bigger than only my experiences...Of course all of these things will come through otherwise why would I be in this space to write about this topic. So here's the deal...I would like to get you all involved and ask for your feedback and any input or experiences you have had in relation to being a square peg in a round hole or just felt you didn't fit in...Oh by the way these are great attributes just let's not hide them away anymore...

Yours truly

1 comment:

Rick Canhan said...

Hi Kaz, I'm writing an article at the moment titled 'The stigma of a Mental Health Diagnosis' and have come up with some info you may want to look at or use... that's not only like a square peg in a round hole, it's more like filling a container with water when it's upside down... talk soon.