Monday, December 13, 2010

A time and a place...

Sitting here listening to what nature has to offer, and my mind conjures up thoughts of adventure...Imagine just getting off the gravy train, everything you have been taught about working until your retirement, paying those endless bills, and of course owning your own home is the biggest dream of all...

But then you think about what if I didn't have those constant bills and debt...That wouldn't be a bad thing...Yeh sure the house has given us a roof over our heads and security...But at what point do you get to enjoy the money it has made for you as investments go...Everyone imagines winning enough money to retire and being able to enjoy what life has to offer...

I have this dream of taking off and travelling around our vast country, and just going where the wind takes you, without the big plan that our lives dictate...I have commenced living my dream, learning to keep it simple stupid, not wanting for too much, and soaking it up. Creating only good thoughts, dreams, and make them come true, or at least visualize in the meantime...yeh well reality bites...

Talking to more people over 70, and under 6...Getting up close and personal with people that are doing it tough, and not being afraid...Have the child like imagination and not always feeling that sense of responsibility...

Letting go...Until next time...

Yours truly


Rick Canhan said...

Yeah, I like Kaz...

Karen said...

Thanks trying to let the mind go so the writing becomes more fluid...