Monday, December 6, 2010


Picture this, or not...we woke to torrential rain on Sunday which ruined the chance of me sitting at the markets, bored out of my brain...shame really...well back to the picture...we are doing some reno's, though at present we could open up a mud spa. Just to get to my washing line I am knee deep in mud, well maybe a gross exaggeration but you get the picture...Then we noticed, whilst trying to improve our drainage, which wasn't quite finished... as Jeff... no that's another story...stay on track writbitz...well, we created a bigger problem, where the water was lying, it potentially could flood our shed which had been converted into our home office and music studio... Jeff got to work on channeling the water in a preferred direction...So, the picture is, typical alpha male got down to his undies, and wait for it, black wello boots.. To complete the ensemble, a shovel...In the midst of swearing and cursing, I was holding back laughter...At that moment he looked up at me, and I couldn't contain myself anymore...I did try to pass on a compliment by saying fireman January 1978...Mental note keep ones comments to oneself...until later...

Your truly

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